Smoking Advice

NHS Smoke free: Mobile App

The Smoke free app can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation. If you stay smoke free for the 4-week programme you’re up to five times more likely to stay quit for good.

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Quit with help

Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan.


Live Well Stay Well

No matter how long you've smoked for, quitting can help improve your health straight away. After quitting, nicotine will be out of the body within 48 hours and your ability to taste and smell will improve. After 1 year your risk of heart disease is about half compared with a person who is still smoking. Stopping smoking is the single most helpful thing you can do to improve your health and the health of the people around you.

On this page you will find useful online resources, information and advice to help you on your journey towards your stop smoking goals.  


If you want to stop smoking, you can make small changes to your lifestyle that may help you resist the temptation to light up.